FAQs About A New Prosthetic Eye

Health & Medical Blog

A prosthetic eye does not restore your vision, but it can help with improving your appearance after the loss of an eye. It can take time to get used to wearing the prosthetic. Once you are used to it though, you will barely notice it. If you have a new prosthetic eye or are having trouble getting used to it, here is what you need to know:

What Is Causing the Discomfort?

In the first few weeks after getting the prosthetic eye, you might experience some discomfort. The discomfort makes it difficult to get used to wearing the piece and you might choose not to. However, removing the eye instead of addressing the source of the discomfort could be counterproductive.

The discomfort that you are experiencing could be a sign that an adjustment of the prosthetic is needed. Small changes to the eye could make it more comfortable for you. If you are having discomfort, try to pinpoint the area in which you are experiencing it.  

You can provide that information to the ocularist. He or she can check the prosthetic for flaws and adjust it, if necessary.

In addition to paying attention to the discomfort, you also need to try to wear the prosthetic without disrupting it for a couple of weeks. Do not rub your eye. The longer it is left undisturbed, the sooner your body will start to stop identifying it as a foreign object that needs to be expelled.

How Do You Care for the Prosthetic?

You can choose to remove the prosthetic every day and clean it, but it is not necessary. Cleaning it every two weeks is enough to remove the protein and other debris that builds up on the surface. If you are waiting the full two weeks, be careful not to skip them or your eye socket could become infected.

Before touching the prosthetic, remember to wash your hands with soapy warm water. Once it is removed, you can use warm water to clean the surface. In most instances, soap is not necessary. However, if you want to use it, try to stick to a mild soap.

Your ocularist might recommend that you have the prosthetic professional polished each year. The professional polish helps to ensure that harmful bacteria have been removed from the surface and that there is not a buildup of protein.

Talk to a company like Real Life Faces to learn about other ways you can protect and adjust to your new prosthetic. 


2 November 2017

Managing Chronic Heartburn: Solutions And Tips

As I've gotten older, I've found that my body is less able to tolerate spicy, greasy, and heavy foods. While I never used to struggle with heartburn, it's become a common occurrence. I spent a lot of time talking with my doctor and reading about all kinds of heartburn relief options. After trying a lot of different options, I finally found that there are a few things that work exceptionally well. I created this site to journal my experience with chronic heartburn and the treatment options that I've tried. I hope that it helps you if you're struggling with heartburn problems as well.